Bulk Import / Export Contacts & Products

1 min. readlast update: 11.22.2022

If you already have a database of contacts or products, you can easily import them into QuotePal using a csv file. 

You will need to use the correct template which you can get by clicking on the export icon and saving the file to your computer.

Do not delete or change the order of the columns. 

You may not have all the data for some columns, so just leave those empty. 

Save the file type as: CSF UTF-8 (comma-delimted) (.csv)

When you are ready, open the Contacts/Products module in QuotePal and click the hamburger menu that is to the right of "Add New" and under your Avatar


Click on the arrow pointing upwards.


This dialogue box will appear. Click the upload button and select your file from your drive. Then click "Import Contacts" or "Import Products"

Terms used in the Contacts template:

Type - Client, Maker, Fitter, Interior Designer, Staff

Status - New, Qualified, Unqualified, Open Job, Closed Job

Marketing Opt In - Yes, No

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